As of today, 10.11.2020, the non-profit company
TherapySelect non-profit gUG (limited liability)
has been founded. With the registration at the local court, the company takes over its activities. You can find the focus of the company on our page "We have become chariable!".
The articles of association were notarized after they had been approved by the Heidelberg tax office in order to be recognized as a non-profit organization.
Here are the main excerpts from the articles of association
The purpose of the society:
- Promotion of science and research in general and specifically in the field of medical diagnostics and therapy primarily in the field of oncology and chronic diseases;
- Promotion of public health and public health care;
- Promotion of education and training primarily in the field of health and healthcare, particularly in the field of oncology and chronic diseases;
- Promotion of sport primarily with the aim of health care or health restoration, particularly in the field of oncology and chronic diseases.
Object of the company:
- Financial support in the form of grants for individual projects, by awarding prizes and scholarships in line with the purpose of the company;
- Implementation of research projects and scientific events, awarding of research contracts, organization of teaching events and production of information materials in line with the purpose of the company.
- Support or maintenance of research institutions and laboratories, in particular for health care or restoration, which are tax-privileged corporations within the meaning of German tax law (Sections 51 et seq. of the German Fiscal Code);
- Support or maintenance of counseling or educational centers, in particular for the care or restoration of health, which are tax-privileged corporations within the meaning of German tax law (§§ 51 ff. of the German Fiscal Code);
- Support or maintenance of sports facilities or clubs, in particular for the care or restoration of health, which are tax-privileged corporations within the meaning of German tax law (Sections 51 et seq. of the German Fiscal Code).
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