Brief profile of the company

TherapySelect is a diagnostic and patient-oriented company in the medical field with a focus on oncology. It focuses on development, clinical validation, marketing and sales of diagnostic tests for cancer patients as well as to empower patients to participate in therapy planning and implementation. The company's aim is to increase patient's survival and quality of life as well as to reduce costs in health care system.

TherapySelect has the following four main areas of activity.

Development and distribution of products

TherapySelect sells its own clinically well validated Cancer Therapy Response-Test (CTR-Test®) worldwide. The test is an in vitro drug efficacy assay on living tumor cells. In various clinical trials, the CTR-Test® has shown to be more than 95% accurate in predicting ineffectiveness of chemotherapies prior to administration of the drugs. The CTR-Test® technology has great potential that can be realized through further development work. The company is pursuing this goal.

Distribution of external diagnostic tests

TherapySelect cooperates with other diagnostic companies in order to offer patients a comprehensive portfolio of diagnostic tests. All diagnostics by the cooperating partners are approved for the European market and fullfill the regulatory requirements for product safety of in vitro diagnostics. 

CTR-Test® for the product development of pharmaceutical companies

Unsuccessful clinical trials are the most expensive obstacle in drug development. To solve this problem TherapySelect offers the CTR-Test® technology to pharmaceutical companies for all clinical trial phases worldwide.

Patient coaching / patient empowerment

It could be shown that informed patients much better comply to and succeed in therapy. Therefore TherapySelect offers cancer patients coaching to understand their disease and enable them to plan, conduct and follow up together with the physican the therapy.

Location Heidelberg

TherapySelect chose the location Heidelberg to be close to the cancer research cluster, which has formed here. The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), Cancer Information Service (KID), Heidelberg University including the Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH) and other research faculties, Max Planck Institutes and many clinics, which focus on the topic of cancer, are part of this cluster.