Documents for Ordering the CTR-Test®
Here you will find all documents, which the patient and the clinic need to carry out the test.
You will receive all the forms as soon as you order the CTR-Test®. We are available for any questions regarding the completion of the forms (phone: +49-6221-8936-152).
- CTR-Test®-Laboratory Service Requisition Form
- CTR-Test®-Patient Consent and Patient Order (Payment via Credit Card)
- CTR-Test®-Patient Consent and Patient Order (Payment in the Single Euro Payments Area, SEPA)
- CTR-Test®-Specimen Handling Instructions
- CTR-Test®-General Terms and Conditions
Information about the CTR-Test®
- CTR-Test®-Area of Application
- CTR-Test®-Bibliography
- CTR-Test®-Brochure
- CTR-Test®-Clinical Evaluation
- CTR-Test®-Declaration of Conformity
Figures for the CTR-Test®
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